Friday, August 21, 2009

Thoughts on Being Brave

This morning as we were walking dad to the subway for the last time I had a thought. A thought I wanted to remember to share with you when you get bigger.

Well, since my memory can't be trusted for that long, I want to tell you now:
Many things worth doing take a little extra effort.

I know it may sound like something you've heard before, but let me explain what I mean. Last night I went to a ballet class with my friend Valerie. I haven't taken a ballet class in at least five years. Maybe more.

We'd been talking about taking a class at this place for quite a while now, but things kept getting busy and then dad was working on the nights of the class, so it just hadn't happened yet. So we decided a couple of weeks ago that once dad wasn't working at night anymore, we would go and try it out. Last night was the night.

All day yesterday I kept thinking:
I should be doing something else with my evening, to get ready for the move.
GK is running late. There's no way we'll make it. I should just cancel.
I look silly in my leotard. Maybe we should all just go out to dinner.

Probably fifty times or so, I had thoughts full of excuses as to why it wasn't a big deal if I just stayed home.

And each time I thought:
You'll be happy if you go. It's only an hour and a half.
You can pick GK up at the train and he can drop you and Valerie off at the studio.
Just try it. This is your last chance at this one, for real.

It may sound like a little thing Van, but when it was done, I was glad I went. I did look a little silly in my leotard. But sometimes as I danced I thought of you. I thought of the things in your life that will bring you the joy that dancing brings me. And then I danced.

I hope you're always brave enough to do what you love. Especially when there are reasons not to.